Wednesday, November 30, 2011

inspired! 52 suburbs...

As a born and bred sydney sider... i am totally amazed at how Louise Hawson makes even mt druitt look amazing (no offense to mounty county..but seriously even locals dont think its that great).  Anyways,this changed my view of the world around me... hope it does for you too! :) .. might fancy a visit to mt druitt or

beauty really is in the eye of the beholder .. and expressed through a camera lens :)

check out all the suburbs here! :D

have a beautiful day!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October: month of gigs!

AAHhhh October what a great month for gigs!!!! cant believe its all over but what a great month of music!!! :)
the month started with mr. eric benet @ home club. he was awesome just fantastic but if i knew he'd only be singing 5 songs i wouldnt hav bothered seeing as it was a 3 hr wait with mediocre opening acts. 

Then The wombats to fill my indie music craving. ive been listening to so much rap and hip hop lately i needed that sweet break away and i realised im not too old for the mosh coz i squeezed in the front again! yeeaahh buddy!

3rd gig was Rufio- i waited 6 years to hear them sing one slow dance and it was better than the CD! lol. best random friday ever!!!!!!

lastly the icon himself: mr Stevie wonder for my paretns 26th wedding anniversary! what a show. even though he was an hour late we quickly forgave him and he's just unforgettable. the best performer who doesn't need a play list he just feels the music and goes for it. we loved how he just improv'd and it still sounded amazing!

me and papa bear

the best people ever!

thanks for the tiks johnny! <3

the legend himself!

rockin to his own rhythm!

the legendary rockstar! :) hes so funny!


eric benet!!

oh yeah chocolate legs. eric benet

hello mr wombat! hehe

the wombats!

with taylor from rufio


best month of music yet!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

japanese-y (^o^)

If you know me at all you'd know my obsession for all things japan is a given. Living there i noticed that all japanese ppl have a particular stle that i just cant quite put my finger on.. but if you go there you;ll know what i mean. they dress a particular way-tasteful. It doesnt have to be the latest or greatest clothes but they all have taste.. neat,refined, conscious that what they wear determines who you are.. and one thing is evident. NO ONE does layering like the japanese! 

Anyways here are some of my faves of japan 2012  from japanese designers that probably nobody has heard of!  look at these whilst listening to J-popand j-rap which you'll see at the bottom of the page! (^0^)
kameshima chinami

Everlasting Sprout

yasutoshi ezumi

Yuma koshino

Fur Fur



じゃ またね!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I've now reached the point in life where my actual number of my age is no longer relevant and will be referred to from this point onwards as twenty- something...

And it was the best DAY! 

iconia from johnny!

life is that much better with this baby!


yum yum yum

my lovely ladies

these girls are amazing!
pretty lucky someone was there to let us in the INDO embassy..


I'm with the BEST people in the world!


where mother? haha

adorable johnny! haha

lovely sunny day at kirribili
THANKYOU my beautiful family, friends and bf for making my bday weekend a memorable, happy, warm and bubbly one... I just wish it was longer!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Festival Indonesia

 What a beautiful day to be out at Darling harbour celebrating my culture with hundreds of other people! i love learning about different indonesian cultures from Batak people to Javanese to Aceh.. theres just so many areas that are totally different its hard to believe we're all part of one country..

well i am

some of the different traditional wear from different areas in  indo

es cendol! my fave!

its not a crack pipe 

batik drawing

batik stencils...


martabak!!! nom nom...

giant traditional umm.. im not sure what it

overall a fun filled day and just had to listen to this song after!!!lol