Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Basketball wives" Syndrome.

Ok this will be the last time i ever mention/tweet about this show ever!
My obsession has been the reality TV show "basketball wives" that should be called "basketball exes". its like all reality tv shows where you just wanna punch their frickin lights out but still watch it..its toxic, lethal shit. seriously.

here's my fave WTF moment where they did remind me of a situation had with a couple of acquaintances...
it went down like this:
minus the "boo boo" talk.... ick

I've learned a few things from this show here are some 
* don't sleep with ur friends ex and call a "non- factor, bitch"
* don't sleep with acquaintance's current lover out of spite
* Dont make shirts about a fight with someone out of spite, cash in on it, and expect the other party to be ok.
no joke this is on a shirt!
  *Don't hang around other exes and divorcees! misery loves company.         

So to sum up use your COMMON SENSE, close your legs and if the girl keeps ranting then zip it..the betch will get bored sooner or later! 
[end rant]